Link Checker options

Link checker options

Ignore the following domains
The list of domain names that will be ignored. See Wildcard matching for wildcard format.

Ignore the following bookmarks
The list of bookmarks that will be ignored. See Wildcard matching for wildcard format.

Retain valid links for viewing
When enabled, all incoming and outgoing links will be saved for each page, otherwise that data will be saved for broken links only. Use with caution for large websites as it will significantly slow down the process and increase database size. Also, when this option is disabled, no bookmark checking will be performed.

Do not check external links
Normally, all links that lead from the current site to other external sites are checked. You can change this behavior by selecting this option. The program will ignore links to other sites and check only links within the current site.

Ignore image tags
Ignore links that come from image specific HTML tags and CSS properties.

Categories: Bundle, Link Checker, Manual

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